VFW Post 4561 members in Cresco, Iowa, raised more than $3,000 during their annual cancer benefit breakfast event this January.
The fundraiser ran from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with proceeds going towards the local Howard County Cancer Association, as well as the Post 4561 Auxiliary Milz Cancer Grant.
Post 4561 Quartermaster Alice Abbott told local news outlet KIMT3 about Auxiliary member Jessie Milz and her husband’s mission to create the Post 4561 Auxiliary Milz Cancer Grant to honor Milz’s memory and help other community members with cancer.
Both cancer funds, according to Abbott, will help with the cost of transportation for cancer patients in the community.
“We noticed that we had local people that were suffering from cancer, and the funds were needed here,” Abbott told KIMT3 in Cresco. “We just split it between the two organizations.”
The cancer benefit breakfast hosted 227 guests and helped raise $3,164.
This article is featured in the 2025 February issue of Checkpoint. If you’re a VFW member and don’t currently receive the VFW Checkpoint, please contact VFW magazine at magazine@vfw.org.